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Coffee with Google Quantum Computing

Updated: Feb 21, 2019

On the Feb. 5th, our friend and Caltech alum Eric from Google Quantum Computing joined us in a coffee hour at the Little Chandler to discuss how Google is trying to be a pioneer in the rise of quantum computing industry. This era of quantum industrialization is so exciting that industry giants, governments, and the academia are working together to tackle the great challenges in building a useful quantum computer and look for important applications of current near-term-noisy quantum machines. In this age, it has become clear that quantum computing is not just scientists' dream but more importantly an engineers' nightmare. The expansion of the field and transformation into an engineering industry demand a large workforce for exploring innovative methods to rapidly scale up current architectures with even higher fidelity in the near future. Google at the front of quantum engineering is also expanding their employee size to deal with emerging engineering challenges. They are going to announce multiple internships and full-time job openings this year and encourage outstanding Caltech graduate students working in quantum information science to apply for the opportunity to work with one of the best team in the world on bringing the quantum computer into the real world. There were 17 members with a various academical background in the meeting with Eric. The discussions were very informative as Eric answered our members' questions on Google's near-term plans and the association was also invited to organize Caltech students to participate in Google Quantum Computing Workshop and a one-day visit to their hardware R&D facility in May. Students will be able to learn a lot about the capability of Google Quantum Computing and identify opportunities for them to contribute and make big impacts in the near future. The Caltech Quantum Information Association (CQIA) is honored to be able to work with Google on getting outstanding Caltech students involved in the scaling of quantum computing.

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